If you wish to use the services of Ozone Infomedia, all you need to do is inform us of the domain name you would like to use and send us a brief idea of your requirements. We will then purchase the domain in your name, purchase the right hosting package for your project and then based on your guidance, design an initial web page for you. This will then be refined/changed in consultation with you until a satisfactory design has been reached. After this, we will need you to forward content and images for your site and start to design the web site for you.
The three easy steps we provide below will guide you in the direction of a professionally designed and developed web site.
- Step One: Domain Name (URL) Registration — This is the address, people will use to access your Web site (www.yourcompany.com). Once you have determined that the URL you wish to use is available, the cost to register a name is anywhere from $8.00 to $35.00 per year. A domain name needs to be renewed every year.
- Step Two: Design of the Web Site — This is where the look, feel and content of the web site are determined and created.
- Step Three: Hosting Your Web Site on a Web Server — This is basically where you rent space on a computer that is always connected to the Internet. Price will vary, depending on the amount of disk space you will have and the connection to the Internet.
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